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replica military uniforms

Replica Military Uniforms - FILM, TV and sports companies in Spain will have to get permission from the Guardia Civil to use exact replicas of their uniforms.

The royal decree published on Tuesday confirms the rules introduced in 2014 which ban the use of authentic uniforms in "representative images" unless permission is granted.

Replica Military Uniforms

Replica Military Uniforms

A spokesman for the Guardia said the definition of 'replica' means 'an exact copy' which could be mistaken for an original.

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Anyone who wants to use the Guardia uniform or image in, for example, a parade or fiesta parade will have to submit an 'eligibility report' and ensure that 'there is no damage to the image of the Guardia Civil'.

Non-Guardia officers are prohibited from buying and selling uniforms and authorized sellers must confirm that the buyer is a member of the armed forces.

Mail orders for Guardia clothing can only be sent to Guardia Civil Barracks and not to home addresses.

The police have been warned that they cannot wear uniforms in any meetings or "political" demonstrations and similarly on social media networks and private video chats.

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Retired officers can wear the uniform for 'institutional and social events' but will be barred from doing so if they are charged or found guilty.

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Replica Military Uniforms

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