Aircraft Tech Salary - Home/Business/Aviation Business/Airline Industry Must Solve Mechanical Problems

A report released by the Aeronautics and Space Administration (ATEC), which tracks the pipeline of aviation technologists, estimates that commercial airline passenger traffic will increase between 2023 and 2024. The latest TSA data shows that as of April 19 of this year, 1.9 million travelers passed through US checkpoints, representing 88 percent of those who traveled at the same time in 2019. when the trip is over.

Aircraft Tech Salary

Aircraft Tech Salary

However, in the return of tourism, if the industry does not find a way to solve a problem, the shortage of skilled and skilled engineers (A&P) can stop the return altogether.

The Aviation Industry Must Address The Plight Of The Mechanic

The problem? Airlines have experienced delays or delays since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic

Unless engineer salaries or the economic climate increase rapidly, even professional engineers may begin to consider their options differently…

Before the outbreak, Boeing (NYSE: BA) predicted the need for 769,000 new maintenance technicians by 2039 to maintain the world's 39 fleets. This number is calculated for commercial air traffic, commercial air traffic and civil helicopters only. The industry's ability to find these skilled workers will depend on retirements, layoffs and building a talent pipeline to replace the attraction, the report said. The report cannot predict or calculate the wages that aerospace engineers are facing in various industries due to the collapse of the disease that hampers recruitment or retention efforts.

With unemployment now at a historic low of 3.6 percent, wages for skilled workers pale in comparison to what the rest of the economy needs. The main culprit is inflation In the last 12 months, the consumer price index has increased by 8.5 percent, which has wiped out the increase in workers' wages.

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According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, aviation technicians took an average 3.5 percent increase in hourly wages from May 2019 to May 2021. However, the cost of consumer goods increased by 4.5 percent over the same period. So, with consumer prices almost doubling in the forecast for 2021, A&Ps may struggle to make ends meet - unless the industry focuses on tackling the problem .

The ATEC report shows that the entry-level hourly rate for an A&P is $22.36. An unlicensed artist earns an average of $16.93. Aircraft mechanics and technicians earned about $32.06 an hour. In general, the starting salary of Aviation Technical Maintenance School (AMTS) alumni with A&P certification (and possibly IIA) is $46,508 and lifetime earnings of over half a million dollars. The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that the median annual salary for aircraft engineers and service technicians in May 2021 was $65,380, with the lowest 10 percent earning less than $38,270 and the highest 10 percent earning more than $98,590.

Aircraft maintenance workers earn an average salary of over $42 an hour. They also get benefits that many smaller repair shops or OEMs can't offer, such as travel or tuition reimbursement programs. An expert said

Aircraft Tech Salary

In addition to the state of the country's economy, other factors continue to complicate the salary of workers, such as the cost of education or insufficient employment to meet the needs of workers.

Become An Aircraft Mechanic In 2021? Salary, Jobs, Education

With the initial collapse of the epidemic, the number of enrollments and diversity of aviation technicians in the college increased in 2021. ATEC said that the average cost to complete the A&P program is $16,321 and this does not pose a barrier to entry for students who they don't want.

Students enrolling in the public AMTS program for an A&P certificate paid an average of $9,851, compared to $35,492 in the private program. When combined with an associate's degree, that drops to $12,327 and $42,698, respectively.

The report said overall enrollment in private schools increased by 20 percent last year. So, even when cheaper options are available, students are increasingly enrolling in private schools for certifications that triple the price of the cheaper option.

Also, the number of students is increasing with student debt, which also affects wages. aviation maintenance programs - he said strategies are needed to try to attract students to participate in maintenance programs only. But to make them more affordable

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DeVivo said the average student debt burden for aviation maintenance is about $17,500. It may not seem like much, but she said, “many of our families don't qualify for PLUS loans because of their poor credit or bad credit and have to go into the alternative loan market, where interest rates are higher. Very great. "

In other words, if wages do not grow quickly for engineers or the economic situation, even professional engineers may begin to consider their different options - and this takes into account inflation and the cost of education.

Here's the final number: ATEC's 2021 report shows that while 66 percent of graduates from the AMTS program have job offers, 23 percent of graduates have held jobs outside of aviation—in 2019, only 8 percent of them did.

Aircraft Tech Salary

How will the industry survive this crisis? One, hopefully, inflation has cooled. Otherwise, a full report will be needed to fully explain the impact of each aspect of this issue on wage growth - but leaders would do well to focus on hiring ma' commit and continue to work.

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In general, if the industry does not calculate the value of improving the workforce or reducing costs, it will also try to reduce the rate at which skilled workers leave the field.

Michael Wilds holds a master's degree in logistics and supply chain management and a bachelor's degree in aeronautical science from Embro-Riddle Aeronautical University. Prior to that, he served as Flight Attendant, Assistant Training Manager and Quality Assurance Lead in the University's Aviation Department. He holds MEI, CFI and CFII ratings Follow Michael on Twitter @CaptainWilds for more

Aircraft maintenance technicians earn an average annual salary of $53,026 or $25.49 per hour in the United States. Aviation maintenance technicians at the bottom end of this spectrum, the top 10% earn about $37,000 a year, while the top 10% earn $75,000. Aircraft repair technicians work extensively in Nevada, California, Maryland, Virginia, and Delaware.

If both location and money are important to you, you may want to check out Nevada, California, and Maryland, as these three states offer the highest salaries in the United States for flight maintenance technicians. At the opposite end of that list are the lowest paying states, which are New Hampshire, Michigan and Utah.

Is It Hard To Be An Aircraft Mechanic?

Flight attendant salaries can vary depending on a person's years of experience, from entry level to senior level. An accountant with 0-2 years of experience earns an average salary of $55,401, a professional accountant with 3-6 years of experience earns an average of $53,026 per year, and a senior accountant with 7-12 years of experience. Experience enjoys a median annual salary of $74,445 Data on how experience level affects total compensation is provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) as part of the National Compensation Survey, based on factors such as experience, complexity, and communication. , and the environment

The highest paying companies for maintenance technicians are City & Southern California Edison, according to our most recent salary analysis. In addition, companies such as IBM and Nike report strong competition for aircraft maintenance workers.

Nevada offers the highest number of aviation maintenance technicians in the United States, with an average salary of $68,267 per year or $32.82 per hour.

Aircraft Tech Salary

Do you know if your salary as an aircraft maintenance worker is fair compared to the average salary in the state you live in?

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System mechanics earn the highest salaries System mechanics earned an average salary of $67,679 The highest paid 10 percent earned $78,000, while the lowest paid 10 percent earned $58,000.

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