Reporting For Duty - You will unlock the fourth story mission called Reporting For Duty. In this story mission you will learn about the recruitment system and how to find and recruit your team members. To complete this mission you need to recruit a construction worker to join your cause. To help you check out the guide below.
The first objective of this mission was to access the SIRS Data Relay outside the building of the Ministry of Civic Management. This relay is on the right as you enter the south entrance. Once you have gained access to the relay you need to go further into the AR Test Launch field. This test is done in the center of the yard. When you're done you should be able to access the server in the northwest corner of the yard. After all these things are done leave the place.
Reporting For Duty
From the building of the Ministry of Civic Management you can trigger your next goal. To complete this objective you need to find and recruit a construction worker. Luckily, there is a construction site just by the side of the road. Head there now to find a ton of construction worker NPCs. Approach whatever you want to recruit and talk to them to trigger a cutscene.
Reporting For Duty T Shirt
Whichever NPC you choose you will need to complete a quest for them. This quest takes you to Camden Market where you need to wipe the contents of a laptop. Once you have completed this mini-quest you have recruited your construction worker. All that's left is to meet them at Connie's Pub. Go there now to trigger a cutscene.
After the cutscene you will control your construction worker. Take this worker and go to Westminster Cathedral. Here call your cargo drone, hijack it, then board and fly it to the flight location. On the roof of this building climb the server's drone and take it out. Take it to the truck waiting below to complete the flight.
Once the flight is over and the server is loaded onto the truck you have to drive the truck to two locations around London. The first place is Buckingham Palace. The second place is Piccadilly Circus. In the second location you will be attacked by Albion soldiers while rebuilding the AR. Survive the attack then go to the meeting back at the safehouse.
By watching the scene in the greenhouse, you will complete the Duty Report mission. This is the fourth mission in the game's main story. This mission is called digging into the past.
Future Airmen Reporting For Duty > Nellis Air Force Base > News
Enricofairme is the founder and lead writer of . He has been creating video games content for the past 6 years. You can follow Eli on Twitter @enricofairme.
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