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avenger anti aircraft

Avenger Anti Aircraft - The Avenger, a fully automatic short-range anti-aircraft system, is the Army's primary anti-aircraft weapon. It is a light, mobile, easily transportable surface-to-air unit with eight Stinger missiles in two missile lanes. Detects, locates, tracks and engages targets (descending helicopters or fixed-wing aircraft) from a static or moving position.

Mounted on a high-mobility multi-purpose wheeled vehicle, the Avenger can operate in adverse weather conditions. Its infrared system, computer, communications equipment and laser range finder search for targets day and night.

Avenger Anti Aircraft

Avenger Anti Aircraft

The Avenger turret can be easily adapted to various combat vehicles such as trucks, trailers and tracked vehicles, or used as an autonomous remote-controlled unit. Its system is highly automated to assist the attacker in quickly and efficiently locating, identifying, tracking and closing on a target. The overall performance of the system is improved by the automatic input of the control angle and altitude during the launch of the missile. The Avengers can be transported by helicopter and, once placed on the base, dropped from a tactical plane.

Nato An/twq 1 'avenger' Self Propelled Anti Aircraft Gun Image

Boeing delivered the first production unit in 1988, and by 2002, more than 1,100 Avenger units had been delivered to the Army, Navy, and National Guard. Production of the upgraded Avenger is planned after 2005.

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Avenger Anti Aircraft

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